It’s never a good idea to settle for less than what you need and want, and this is especially true when you’re house hunting. However, this does pose myriad challenges, especially when you have very particular requirements that need to be met. Case in point, for folks who are wheelchair-bound because of age or physical limitations, an accessible home may be exactly what the doctor ordered. In fact, a home with the right modifications and accessibility features can make it easier for you to get around and function independently—which, in turn, greatly contributes to ensuring your quality of life. With the help of Castle Brokerage, here’s how you can ensure that your house-hunting efforts are fruitful.

Focus on key areas.

There are many ways in which a home can be handicap-friendly. However, there are wheelchair-accessible modifications in key areas that are more valuable than others. With this in mind, keeping an eye out for these features is a smart way to start your house hunting.

First of all, you will want to be mindful of doorways and entryways. As a rule, these should be wide enough for wheelchairs to fit through, as well as have enough space for someone in a wheelchair to reach and open doors. Moreover, these should comply with ADA Standards—that is, guidelines put in place by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Elsewhere in the house, you should also look out for essential modifications in functional areas like the bathroom and kitchen. Not only should these areas be wheelchair-accessible, but they must be safer to use, too. At the most fundamental level, the bathroom should be equipped with grab bars next to the toilet, sink, and shower (installation typically costs around $80). There should also be no gutter separating the shower area, and bathrooms should have non-slip flooring. In the kitchen, lower countertops and cabinets are also a must. Fixtures like knobs and faucets must also be ADA-compliant, while power outlets should be within easy reach.

Prioritize layout. The home’s layout is also an important consideration in mobility-friendly homes. No doubt, a single-level home is more than ideal for obvious reasons. However,

a multi-level home can work just as well as a handicap-accessible home. Think ramps instead of stairs, or even a stairlift or elevator.

An open-layout house plan is also a good option. The idea is to have a barrier-free home where you can get around with ease and safety, so this should definitely be at the forefront of your house-hunting efforts.

Get your own modifications done.

Now, in a perfect world, you will quickly find a home that ticks all the right boxes. But realistically speaking, this can be difficult, especially in a competitive market like Santa Clara. It’s a good idea, therefore, to keep an open mind and don’t dismiss a property just because it has a few missing attributes. You may even find that it’ll take no more than a few simple renovations to make it perfectly safe and accessible for you, such as the simple matter of adding concrete ramps or pathways.

The hunt for the perfect wheelchair-accessible home for you will require a bit more attention, flexibility, patience, and the help of Castle Brokerage. Knowing exactly what you need and want helps, too. After all, your home should be the safest and most comfortable place for you, so don’t settle for anything less.


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